5 edits in a video that was made from keynote

Here is the link to the video presentation to download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k6T3T3Tux2YUuVuWEAT9AwvJafju3Jil/view?usp=sharing

Here are the edits.
1. Minute 5:01-5:56 remove the line on the right
2. Minute 5:57-7:01 a circle around the number 3. Minute 7:01 7- 71 also a circle around number 4.
3. Minute 7:21-8:22 change $75,670 to $75,760
4. Minute 13:01-13:32 – write: Fast Track to 6A-2
5. Minute 14:37-14:58 make all arrows colored like they are on
the right side, not black

Please send back with the same quality and same type of file.

Only apply if you can do the job now.

Thanks 🙂

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