Create “Greensleeves” Lead Sheet using Sibelius

The Job: Take the attached lead sheet of Greensleeves and re-create it in Sibelius in the same key but in the style of the “Mary Had A Little Lamb” lead sheet shown below it.

There is an attached .sib file that has the “EZ Play” lead sheet style for you to copy, with larger note heads and the names of the notes in the note head, with the chords displayed in boxes. Adding lyrics is not needed, just the melody and chords.

I’ve attached a standard lead sheet for the song “Greensleeves”, and I’d like to have it re-done in Sibelius so that it has the style of “Mary Had A Little Lamb” with larger note heads and with the note names shown in the note heads. (Except that there are no lyrics needed)

SUMMARY: Just re-transcribe “Greensleeves” in the style of “Mary Had A Little Lamb” using the .sib file as a template.

I’d like it finished within the next week.

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