1. For the first time I’m going to be introducing a Linux server into my network. I’m more comfortable with Windows, but because I want the best performance for our PostgreSQL DB, I decided now is the right time to make the switch and start planning. As a Windows guy I’m likely going to go in the Ubuntu or Mint GUI Distro direction but definitely will need help with setup and ongoing management after ordering the server, which I’ll be configuring with a GRAID card.
2. I will also need backup setup and management for both this new Linux DB Server (I’ve yet to order it) as well as the front-end Windows Server. Currently I backup using Veeam to a single server on the network, but would like to also backup to BackBlaze B2 on the cloud. I would be happy to change to something like MSP360 for example, but open to ideas.
3. I plan to RDC from the Windows front end machine to the Linux machine which will noth ave access to the web (Only from the Windows front end server via NAT for better protection).
4. On the Firewall side of things, I use PFSense, so having familiarity with this Firewall will be needed.
5. Lastly, I have a plan to replicate this environment to customers, where each customer would have to buy their own server which I can connect to from the Windows front end server, and would need to be managed. I already have a couple of interested customers, however there will be more.