Hubspot Workflow Automation for Sales Commission Tracking

Configure HubSpot so that when deals are won, the system automatically assigns the correct commission rate (based on lead type and contract value tiers), calculates the commission amount, and enables the accounting team to easily see and pay out pending commissions.

1. Custom Properties Setup
Annual Contract Value (or reuse the standard “Amount”)

Type: Number or Currency
Usage: Store the final deal/contract value.
Lead Type

Type: Single Select
Values: “Inbound” and “New Business”
Usage: Distinguish between inbound leads vs. cold/prospected (new) leads.
Commission Rate

Type: Number (or Percentage)
Usage: Store the commission percentage (e.g., 10 for 10%).
Commission Amount

Type: Currency (or Number)
Usage: Store the calculated dollar value of the commission.
Commission Paid

Type: Yes/No (Boolean)
Usage: Mark when the commission has been paid to the salesperson.
2. Deal/Workflow Logic
Trigger: When Deal Stage moves to “Closed Won” (or when final payment is received, if needed).

Branch by Lead Type

If Lead Type = Inbound, apply tiered rates based on deal value:
less than $25k = 10%
$25k–$50k = 10%
$50k–$100k = 7%
$101k+ = 5%
If Lead Type = New Business, apply a flat 10% commission (regardless of deal size).
Set Commission Rate

Populate the Commission Rate property with the correct percentage from the tier logic above.
Calculate Commission Amount

Commission Amount = Annual Contract Value (or Amount) × (Commission Rate ÷ 100)
Mark Commission Paid

Include a simple process or workflow step (manual or automated) to update Commission Paid = “Yes” once the commission is disbursed.
3. Reporting & Dashboard
Pending Commissions Report

Filter for deals where Deal Stage = Closed Won AND Commission Paid = No.
Columns: Deal Name, Deal Owner, Amount, Commission Rate, Commission Amount, etc.
Commission Dashboard

Create a dashboard for Accounting/Finance to quickly view deals needing commission payouts.
Optional: Schedule a recurring email of this report or set up a Slack/email notification whenever a deal moves to “Closed Won.”
4. Deliverables
Custom Properties: Created and configured according to above specs.
HubSpot Workflows: Fully built out to handle branching logic for inbound vs. new business, plus tier-based percentages.
Reports & Dashboard: A Pending Commissions report and (optionally) a Commission Dashboard.
Documentation/Instructions: Provide a short reference doc or Loom video explaining how to maintain the system (e.g., where to update properties, how to mark commissions as paid, etc.).
5. Additional Notes / Requirements
Must ensure workflows don’t override existing deal logic (e.g., existing pipeline automation).
Validate math with a test Deal for each tier and lead type.
(Optional) If commissions depend on actual payment received, add a property “Payment Received Date” or similar and trigger the workflows accordingly.

Please include relevant HubSpot experience in your proposal. Individuals or agencies must demonstrate proficiency in HubSpot custom properties, workflow automation, and reporting.

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