Java expert who can write!

Java expert who can write!

We are a small technology company based in San Francisco. We have built popular DevOps products for the Java ecosystem: GCeasy, fastThread, HeapHero, yCrash. These tools facilitate engineers to troubleshoot production problems & optimize their application performance. We are looking for Java experts who can write blog content on advanced Java topics such as:

– Java Performance (Compact String, GC tuning …)
– Java Concurrency (Synchronization, Executor, Concurrent Data structures, Atomic variables, Lock, …)
– Java Troubleshooting (CPU spike, OutOfMemoryError, thread leaks, …)
– JVM internals (memory regions, code cache, Hotspot compilation,…)
– JVM arguments- Latest Java features (Java virtual threads, Lambda, streams,…)
– Case studies on solving performance problems (in open-source libraries, 3rd party frameworks,…)
– Case studies on troubleshooting production problems
– Java application servers (Apache Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic, Glassfish – troubleshooting, configuration, tips, ..)
– JVM programming languages (Kotlin, Scala, Jython, …)
– APM & Troubleshooting Tools (JFR, AppD, NewRelic, …)
– HTTP, Network, Storage, Kernel errors
– ..


+ Blog content should be written in *simple english* and explained with *easy examples*.
+ Your content has to be unique and creative and shouldn’t just be a cut, copy & paste from other sites.
+ You need to contribute content on a weekly/monthly basis regularly. We are looking for a long-term association (1 – 3 years) with you.
+ If you are a Java expert but need to become proficient in writing, you are welcome to submit your application.


We plan to produce 20 blogs as part of this engagement. We can pay up to USD $300/blog. So total potential earning for this engagement can be $6,000 (i.e. 20 blogs x $300/blog).

Note: Each blog post should include both a written article and a 5-10 minute video clip. You will be responsible for creating the video content, and we will handle the editing.

What to submit?

When you apply for this job, please submit any blog content you have written in the past. If you haven’t written any blogs in the past, please write a new article on any of the above topics and submit it with your application.

Note: We would like to work directly with engineers and not through consulting agencies.

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