Dear Market & Research Community:
We are a hemp clothing brand that is in need of someone who can source a Chinese factory that specializes in t shirts. We already have our own sources for fabric materials, so we will only need labor. We need a factory that specializes in shirts and does high quality work, that can accept small MOQ’s.
You must have at least 2+ years experience searching and dealing with companies in China and involved in the apparel/textile industry. You must speak fluent Mandarin Chinese. If you have experience sourcing hemp fabrics and working with hemp clothing brands that is a huge plus!
You will need to submit a supplier list (at least 2) including the contacts of the suppliers, MOQ, prices for all 6 styles, leadtime. If they can do future orders at small qty etc. Once 2 factories are found that will take our orders and we agree on pricing, moq, etc. order samples from both suppliers to compare quality until ultimately we choose one factory to give our first order too. Work will be completed once samples are received by us.
Please, only qualified candidates.
Warmest regards,